Tuesday, March 12, 2013

We have a two year old in the house again! 

Cole is really growing up and we are loving every minute of him. This is a picture he drew. Instead of keeping all craft things my kids make I take a picture of them with them and then throw them away. Cole knows this so he insisted that he get his picture with his creation. 

These are Cole's two favorite things: ice cream cone and spiderman shirt.  

Yup he is all boy folks, transformer and all!

I just eat up every moment with this boy. With my older boys I was working so missed out on lots of fun that I have had with Cole. I don't ever want to forget his cubby hands or his chocolately eyes. 

Last weekend my brother wrestled about and hour and half away. So we got to enjoy our family at our house for a night. The boys loved having company, but were pretty bummed they didn't get to stay for too long. Here is Cole opening his present from Mama Marie and Papa Boss. 

Birthday morning. He didn't catch on that all of these presents were for him until the 3rd present. Funny boy.

I don't know who enjoyed his birthday more, Cole or Austin and Luke. 

Helicopter...such joy!
 The face says it all!

The boys helped me make his birthday cake, but they have reached an age where they want to eat the cake more than make it now. I'm starting to catch a glimpse of how much food I'm going to need when my four boys are all growing. It is a good thing I like to cook. I thought when I made this and we have no family or friends to share it with here that I would have to throw the cake away. Nope Austin asked for pieces of cake like 3 times a day. My boys are growing up.

He did this all on his own. 

Life is so full with our sweet, serious, silly, smart, and independent Cole. Everyday is a joy with you. 


Elaine Baker said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Little Cole. Thanks for the pictures, Megan.

Tammy said...

What a cutie!!! You and Tad sure know how to make cute boys!

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