Sunday, June 30, 2013

I have been working hard at entertaining my children this summer (because their isn't a whole lot going on here) and teaching them to work and be productive. So I came up with the idea of throwing a yard/water carnival for some of our play group friends.  The boys were really excited and great to work hard to accomplish this.  I think they had a great time too. 

Here is our alphabet pond. This game was a hit. 

We served hot dogs, cookies, punch, and popsicles for prizes (healthy). 

Austin and Luke were my main men in carrying things and getting the games all made and set up. 

Tad stopped by for a Hot Dog for lunch. He was a little surprised at how many women were their so he left pretty quick haha. 

Overall, we would say the carnival was a success. Their were a few games I could have done without, but it is always fun to have a reason for your mom making you weed flower beds.  A little motivation goes a long ways right? 

I love these two men. Cole likes to get out of his bed at night and go fly with Dad, stinker. 

Here is another form of entertainment for the summer...mud.  It is supposed to be a sand box, but the boy improvised because they were sick of waiting for Tad to find some sand. 

Art projects are a must for Luke. He totally loves to do them. These two are some of my favorite, the parrot out of a toilet paper roll and the monster rocks. I'm a big fan of the monster rocks. Luke made enough to give out as favors for our carnival. 

Here are the boys on Father's Day. I really tried with breakfast, but it was a big 'Hollandaise" FLOP! Good thing Tad still knows we love him.

One more form of entertainment thus far is that Auntie Mary came to! We loved it.  We love that Mary takes time out of her schedule to come and visit us.  I'm sure it was boring for her, but it was really fun for us. Thanks, Mary! 


Cammy Patton said...

Megan, can you please stop being so cool? Especially when you're pregnant. ;) It makes us under achievers feel bad.
I truly think you are one of the best moms out there. Tis true.

Elaine Baker said...

This is way more than I ever did for my kids during Summer vacation. (In fact I don't remember doing anything at all) I think you're doing a great job.

Annie B Larson said...

I would have to concur with both comments. you really put the rest of us to shame.
and who exactly is the stinker. The one getting out of bed or the one flying after the kids are sent to bed???????

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