Thursday, August 22, 2013

I have moments where it hits me that I have four children...amazing. Who would have thought this little body could do something so awesome! 

This is Blake's bear that he got from my OB/GYN office. It has been adopted by Cole and currently wears a diaper and Cole's shoes. 

FLUBBER! Got to love it. 

Here is the bub's:) He is chubbing up and we are loving every minute of him.  Austin and I both weighed with him on the scale the other day and it was both 10lbs. Nice!

You can kind of see a hint of a dimple. It's just little, but we attribute it to his middle name, Landon. Got to love it!

Auntie Mary the swings still a rockin' and we love it! 

I saw this on Pinterest and well it entertained them for like an hour.  I love these men! Who knew coloring boxes could be so entertaining. 

1 comment:

Elaine Baker said...

Such cute pictures of four beautiful boys. What an absolute 'doll' that little Blake is. I can't believe he already weighs 10 pounds. That's awesome. You must be producing pure cream, Megan. Can't wait to hug and kiss them all.

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