Sunday, April 27, 2014

 I'm a slacker lately in the blogging department so here is a whole bunch of pictures to catch us up!

For Austin's spring break we had nothing planned so we went a spent a few days with my family.  Here is a picture of the boys sending kisses to their good Dad who stayed home to work. 

Silly boys!

While we were in Nyssa we had so much hanging out with our friends, the Becks. 

I love little boys.  Baseball helmet and baseball gloves to ride bikes. 

Our front door was just the plain color as the house. I couldn't take it. It needed some personality, like me:) So I painted it green and I love love it!
Sherbet and chocolate, just like Mama Marie.

The Cub Scout bike rodeo. We have such a fun cub scout group. They let the little kids join in on the fun. 

My sister Allie is on a mission and was in the MTC. Her request was homemade rolls from me. Really rolls?!? I knew she didn't want simple rolls either.  She wanted these rolls. So, I'm a succor! 

I love this big helping boy.  He saves me and is so sweet to his little brothers. Man I'm going to miss him so much when he goes to kindergarten soon. 

This little man loves finger food, any and all! 

Tad found a turtle on the road and brought it home for the boys to see. It was really fun! What a good dad!!

The boys got this amazing Easter/Ice Cream Party package from Grandma Baker. Spoiled these boys are! They had their Ice Cream party with Dad while I went to a play so no pictures were taken, but they loved it! 

Tad and Blake trying to stay warm at our very very windy ward Easter party. 

The boys with their Easter baskets. 

Cole was adorable with his Easter basket he says, "Are those my birds? And are those my clothes? Oh thank you mom!"

For Easter dinner a kind family in our ward invited us to come to their family party. It was so nice of them because we really miss family when its a holiday.  They had an Easter hunt and said the kids could get 12 eggs. Here is Luke counting all of his eggs before he got more. So sweet. PS from a distance it looks like I bought my son a shirt that has boobs. They are sunglasses people, that say, 'awesome.'  

Austin and two of his buddies. The girl in pink sits by him in his class at school.

Here is Cole eating the candy that fell out of the egg onto the grass. Yum!

This is Luke's best bud. They sit in primary just like this, smiling together the whole time!

 This was for Uncle Landon's birthday. 


markie said...

Cute pictures! I needed my nephews shining smiles during my final finals! What a great bunch. Maybe one day when I am old I will get a blog like you. Just a thought.

Jackie said...

Super duper cute!! It was good to catch up with you and Tad the other day on skype. We will have to do it another time soon so I can see your cute boys.

Grandpa Baker said...

thanks Megan for posting, It always makes my day when I can see pictures of the boys! I need to plan a trip up to see them in person.

Elaine Baker said...

I also LOVE that green door. Wonderful family pictures. Can't believe how big that little Blake is getting. And little Cole is so cute, thanking you for his Easter basket. The world needs more 'grateful' people in it.

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